To the Friends of the Confederation of Indigenous Elders and Priests (Medicine man) of America.

Early this spring, the elders from various Indian Tribes visited our offices in Albuquerque, New Mexico to informs us of their concerns and their unique proposal to bring indigenous elders and medicine people from Indian nations of the north American continent for a spiritual gathering to be held in various sites in New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. This gathering will focus on, exchanging and sharing the scared path that each tribe was given and have been living from time immemorial, the preservation of language and culture, and most important of all, the preparation of their place in the human race as they journey into the next millennium.

The concern the Elders shared with us involves the unity and their relationship with our mother earth, nature, and the restoration of harmony and peace with all things around us as they were instructed from the beginning as we are all responsible for the well being of this planet.

During this meeting, we were also informed that other spiritual gathering were held in Guatemala for all indigenous people in Central America and in Bogota for South American tribes. The spiritual leaders and elders from United States were invited and participated in both gathering which brought very positive results and understanding of peace, unity, and harmony as a global family of this planet. We understand that the spiritual leaders and elders from the first and second gathering will be invited to participate in this gathering to reunite, strengthen, and continue the sacred paths of the Indigenous People.

It is very commendable that the Confederation of Indigenous Elders and Priests (Medicine People) of America, a not for profit organization based in Albuquerque, New Mexico have been selected by spiritual leaders and elders from the previous gatherings to sponsor and host the Third Gathering here in the United States which we believe will be the platform that will set in motion the objectives of this proposal. We must listen to those Elders, with their timeless voices, and ancient traditional ways to address this enormous task and teaching. Therefore we must all work together and bring this unique event to reality. This organization (CIEPA) is requesting your support, donation, and participation. We will work with CIEPA to strengthen the traditional ways of friendship, trust, cooperation, and above all, to build a peaceful future of coexistence with the earth and all beings. Return to Doments page.