Eagle, Quetzal, Condor Philosophy

The Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor is an ancient Indigenous prophecy from the people of the “Americas,” that spoke of a time when the Eagle and the Condor — representing the indigenous peoples of the North and the South — would reunite once again with their original knowledge, strength, diversity and connection. The Eagle and the Condor prophecy is a 2,000-year-old message for the future.

Some versions of this prophecy state that the path of the Eagle is the path of the mind, of the industrial, and of the masculine, while the path of the Condor is the path of heart, of intuition, and of the feminine.

Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj (Wondering Wolf) is a 13 generation Shaman and Spiritual Leader and high Priest to all the people in the Maya lands. He has been the leading authority of Quetzal of Central America. The call from the Center which means Central America came, to forfill this prophecy, the 1st Continental Gathering was initiated in Guatemala November 1995. The 2nd Continental Gathering was in the Amazon 1997. The all the elders from Colombia came and was represented by the Coguis, the Lzcaruacos, the Anzares, the Momos and the Taitas. Don Alejandro called upon his elder brothers of the North America and the South American to bringing together the heart and mind of the Eagle and Condor. Thus, the 3rd Continental Gathering was the Eagle Condor Unite which took place in 2007 around sacred fires in Lake Titicaca Peru. And The 4th Continental Gathering was the Return of Ancestral Memories 2009 in Page Springs, Cornville Arizona. This was actually where all 7 Continents had represented themselves.

Peruvian Quechua shaman Lauro Hinostroza Garcia from Cangallo Peruvian states that the 500 years beginning around the 16th century would be a period in which the Eagle way of life would dominate the world. The Condor People, those who embodied intuitive and receptive wisdom, would be almost wiped out.

Due to the fact that we are facing a global ecological crisis, the Indigenous wisdom and knowledge of the Natural World is needed now more than ever Re--‐establishing a harmonious relationship to the Earth. The only way humanity can move into the future in a sustainable way. Thus, Indigenous Elders from North (Eagle), Central (Quetzal), and South (Condor) America will unite with the Wisdom Keepers from around the world The Union of the Eagle (North American), Quetzal (Central American), Condor (South American).

Dawn of a New Time Gathering Sedona Arizona Jun 22-24, 2012 event happened in Sedona Red Rock High School- Performing Arts Center - Sedona, AZ. This Spiritual Gathering was hosting of the oldest known of the Indigenous Peoples: the Kogi and Arjuacos who for many years have been concerned about the actions of "the younger brother"... those of us living in the technological worlds. Now, with the world in chaos in so many way, our Elder Brothers, the Kogi and Arjuacos, called out as an invitation which forth to invite to Dawn of a New Time Gathering.

2015 the Eagle, Quetzal, Condor ceremonially happen in Sedona, Arizona. All 3 birds where represented and the Quetzal Dancers and songs opened this Ceremonial event. The Condor and the Eagle dance and songs where represented. To my knowledge this was the first time all 3 Birds was represented and performed in the same ceremonial and gathering.

Because these three great birds symbolize the spiritual heights from which we want to look at the Western Hemisphere—that of the Indigenous peoples of the North, Central and South America. At the Encuentro, the First Continental Meeting of Indigenous Peoples on the 500 Years of Indian Resistance, held in Quito, Ecuador in 1992, an ancient prophesy was retold:

The Eagle, symbolizing the Indigenous people of North American, has been prophesied to meet with the Condor, symbol of the Indigenous people of South America. The Quetzal bird has risen up to bring the two great birds together.

In this time of extraordinary threats to our land, air and water, our health and human rights, our sovereignty and religious freedom, We feel the need to add our voices to the ongoing debate as to the future of this hemisphere. Our spiritual ways unite the ancient wisdom of the Sacred Hoop. Aho All our Relations to the modern science of ecology.

Though we respect other religions and spiritual traditions, we feel a need to counsel with people on the quest for a spiritual path that is Earth centered and human scale, serving all life and dedicated to healing and working in harmony with the sacred lands that we all share. This dialogue will attempt to create agreement on the basic principles and values that can lead our peoples into this new millennium.

The past 500 years were filled with colonialism, genocide, materialist culture, and environmental destruction. But unless we of this generation make a profound commitment to changing our values, lifestyle and patterns of behavior very little will have changed. Governments, corporations and organized religions will continue their non-sustainable paths unless we the people decide to embark on a different, more positive and life affirming path.

Native people have been offering this value of anti-materialism since Columbus. John Mohawk, a Haudenosee (Iroquois) philosopher calls it Spiritual Politics. It's time we acknowledged the wisdom of this key value. This Spirituality is rooted in the real world, the Natural World, and is not a 'religious' or otherworldly theology, but a transcendent worldview, incorporating the latest discoveries in science, physics and ecology.

People's spiritual development is enhanced when they learn to let go of their attachment to material things. Over-consumption of goods and services is shown, over and over, to be harmful to the earth and all its inhabitants. Many of us know this to be true: that we will feel more whole if only we can forsake the lure of upward mobility and live a simpler, sustainable, more spiritual way of life.

Alan Hicks     Return to Documents